character borala

Personagem borala
Classe Lord Emperor
Resets 15
Level 251
Mapa Stadium (62/133)
Situação Offline
Master UpPedri
Score 0
Membros 68

Ítens para venda

Excellent Dragon Soul Staff
100 WCoinC
Divine Sword of Archangel
50 WCoinC
Excellent Lord Scepter
150 WCoinC
Excellent Sword Dancer +9
150 WCoinC
Excellent Daybreak +11
150 WCoinC
Excellent Staff of Kundun +11
150 WCoinC
Excellent Angelic Staff +11
150 WCoinC
Excellent Wind Helm +13
100 WCoinC
Excellent Plate Armor +14
150 WCoinC
Excellent Bone Helm +13
100 WCoinC
Excellent Eclipse Helm +11
500 WCoinC
Excellent Iris Armor +11
100 WCoinC
Excellent Hurricane Boots +15
200 WCoinC
Excellent Legendary Staff +11
200 WCoinC
Excellent Red Spirit Pants +14
100 WCoinC
Excellent Ashcrow Pants +14
100 WCoinC
Excellent Holly Storm Claws +15
250 WCoinC