character TentaSorte

Personagem TentaSorte
Classe High Elf
Resets 1033
Level 400
Mapa Lorencia (136/132)
Situação Offline

Ítens para venda

Claw of Beast
50 WCoinC
Excellent Dragon Boots +15
500 WCoinC
Excellent Legendary Armor +15
500 WCoinC
Excellent Legendary Pants +15
500 WCoinC
Pendant of Ability +13
1000 WCoinC
Condor Feather
499 WCoinC
Condor Feather
499 WCoinC
Condor Flame
499 WCoinC
Condor Flame
499 WCoinC
Condor Flame
499 WCoinC
Condor Feather
500 WCoinC
Condor Feather
500 WCoinC